Takshashila Dispatch
All Things Policy
See You Again | Police Chowki

See You Again | Police Chowki

In the final episode of the special limited series Police Chowki, Javeed Ahmad (former IPS officer & DGP of Uttar Pradesh) and Shrikrishna Upadhyaya take stock of policing in India. They discuss the trajectory of the show and reflect on key takeaways from the conversations had so far, such as, policing as a public good, state capacity in police, social and economic cost of bad policing, and building trust between police and citizens. Find all the previous episodes of Police Chowki here: https://takshashila.org.in/police-chowki-all-things-policy

Takshashila Dispatch
All Things Policy
<p>Ever wondered how automation will change the world? Maybe you puzzle over what India could do to ease traffic congestion, or how China's aircraft carriers will transform Indian Ocean geopolitics? All Things Policy, a daily podcast brought to you by the Takshashila Institution, brings you all the answers. Every weekday, our researchers break down complex economic and geopolitical ideas through the lens of current events. For everyone from the busy executive to the curious student, All Things Policy is all you'll need to understand the world (and appreciate your breakfast) better.</p>